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English/영어 표현 익히기

Just to make sure



알겠어(이해해), 너가 물 아래로 잠기고 있는 느낌
약속의 억압(빨리 이루어지고 싶은 마음)이 널 지치게 하고 불안하게 무너지게 만들었지.
너는 너 앞에 두려움 과 불안함(염려)에 둘러쌓여 하나님을 볼 수 가 없어.
알아 헤아리기 (의미) 어렵다는걸 하지만 그는 계셔 
그는 너의 고통 과 걱정 중에 있으시고
너안에 새로운 삶을 불어넣으시고 새로운 것들을 만들고 계셔. 
그는 끝까지 너에게 그의 말씀이 이루어질 수 있도록 하실거야

-여기서 broken은 깨진,고장난 뜻을 의미하지만 글안에 불안정한 의미로 말하는 것 처럼 보여요! 
-wonder 보통 동사로 많이 사용해요 (I wonder..나 궁금한데..) 하지만 여기서는 명사로 사용하면서 놀람 경의로 사전에 나오지만 걱정으로 의미를 사용한거 같아요!

✔️글의 형태에서 많이 벗어나지 않도록 해주세요
      위에 본 내용처럼 비슷하게 
      적어보도록 해요 

     fathom 헤아리다 가늠하다(의미 등을)
     to the ends of the earth 세상끝까지 
     just to make sure (많이 사용하는 표현) 확실히 ~하기 위해

  ✖️이번에는 필수 사용 단어는 없어요 자유롭게하세요


I get it, you feel you're sock in temptation of world.                                                                                    

The greed of the world has left you weary and broken.                                                                                                                     

You can't see God amongst the greed and ambition in front of you.

I know it’s hard to give up, but he waiting for you every time.

He is in the midst of your thinking and heart.

He is planning new life in you, and he’s making all things new.

He is waiting to the ends of the earth just to make sure his mind to you get to realize.

(그는 끝까지 기다리실거야 그의 마음을 너가 깨달을 때까지)



I get it, you feel you're socking into the temptation of the world.   

*The world full of greed and hate has left you weary and broken.     
You can't see God amongst the greed and ambition in front of you.

I know it’s hard to give up, but he is *waiting for you *every single time(all day).

He is in the midst of your thinking and heart.

He is planning new life *for you, and he’s making all things new.

*He is waiting for you to the ends of the earth just to make sure his mind gets to you to realize
(그는 끝까지 기다리실거야 그의 마음을 너가 깨달을 때까지)


*동사+동사 X be+-ing 진행형으로 사용
  you are socking in /sinking into the temptaion of *the world 

*the world full of greed and hate has left you weary and broken.

*but He is waiting for you every single time or all day 
  (single를 넣어줌으로써 더 강조가 되어서 ㅎㅎ)

*여기에서는 for you를 사용해 너를위한 계획이기 때문에 ! 
   in은 불어넣어주는 의미를 사용했기때문에 그렇고

*he's waiting for you to the ends of the earth just to make sure his mind gets to you to realize
  wait 다음에 전치사 to 다음 동사가 와야 되고, 사람을 기다리는 표현이니까 전치사 for 를 사용해야해

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