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English/영어 표현 익히기

worth the mess


Korean have cried so many tears in pain long time ago.

Many people have sought the hand of God in those days.

They knew it hurts and they know it feels like the blessing is taking forever,

But God wanted them to be trained and know that South Korea is coming.

As a result they tears of joy was come and That was worth the mess.

We should to pray like them.

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Koreans have cried so many tears in pain long time ago. 
=Hundreds of Koreans have cried so many tears in painful histories for long time.
They have been suffered by division, fear of war and Japanese colonial era. 
Nontheless, the reason why we can live our lives in peacefully now
Because of we are living under our antecedents of prayer. 
수백명의 한국인들은 긴시간동안 고통스러운 역사로 많은 눈물을 흘렸다.
그들은 분열(남북).전쟁의두려움 그리고 일제감정기로 인해 고통을 받았음에도 불구하고 우리가 지금 편하게 우리의삶을 살아갈수 있는 이유는
기도의 선조들로 인해 살아가기때문이다. 

They’ve sought the hand of God eventhough
They knew it hurts and they felt like the blessing is taking forever, but they believed in the power of prayer. 
그들은 하나님의도움을 찾았었다 
비록 아프고 축복이오지않을것 같았지만, 그들은 기도의 힘을 믿었다 

God wanted them to be trained and know that 
their sufferings will be paid off 
하나님은 그들이 훈련되어지기를 원했고 그들의 고통들이 보상되어질것을 알기를 

As a result, 
their tears of joy came and that was worth the mess.
We should pray like them.

'English > 영어 표현 익히기' 카테고리의 다른 글

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