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English/영어 표현 익히기


Ass. 13



항상 기뻐하라!

This is one on the shortest verses in the Bible,

이것은 성경에서 가장 짧은 구절 중 하나입니다.

but it is radiant with heavenly light.

그러나 그 구절은 환한 천국의 빛입니다.

God made you in his image, and crafted you with the ability to choose Joy in the moments of your life.

하나님은 자신의 형상대로 널 만드셨고, 너를 너의 삶의 순간의 기쁨을 선택할수 있도록 만드셨다.

When your mind is going down an unpleasant, gloomy path, 

너의마음이 불쾌하고 어둑한 길을 가고 있을때, 

stop it in its tracks with the glorious command.

거룩한 명령으로 그길을 멈춰라.

See how many times each day you can remind yourself to rejoice.

자신이 매일 몇번이나 기뻐하는지 생각해보세요! 




radiant 빛나는, 환한

craft 공들여 만들다

ability 능력

glorious 영광스러운

unpleasant 불쾌한


“Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.

Joshua 1:7


This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible.


It's a guidebook for me.


God gave to us the law, and keep with the ability to choose in the moments of our life.


when our mind is going shake,


do not turn from it to the right or to the left.


Think about the verse and trust you may be successful wherever we go.

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